We are pleased to report that the graffiti that was spray painted onto the mosaic tile mural located on the southside of Ida B Wells has finally been removed after months of inquiries and requests to city officials for assistance.

As you may recall, in March we reached out to Supervisor Preston's office about the vandalism requesting assistance in organizing a community cleanup effort. Unfortunately, what followed was a series of tepid responses from city officials and departments. Due to the lack of response, what began as a relatively simple graffitti removal project in March, grew into a large tagging removal operation by May.

The initial tagging reported to District officials in March 2021

The compounded vandalism spanning the entire length of the wall by May 2021
Ultimately, the thrust of the clean up effort came by way of Ida B Wells Principal, Katie Pringle as well as SFUSD comissioner Faauuga Moliga. Special thanks to the Ida B. Wells Principal and SFUSD Board commissioner for acting with a sense of urgency to remove the unsightly blight. Thanks to ASNA board member AJ Thomas and Board President Jason Jervis for maintaining pressure on various stakeholders to ensure the graffitti was removed from the mural so the community can again admire and enjoy the public art.